Tag Archives: healthy gut

Enjoying the “permanence” of a website

Ok, ok, I know websites aren’t exactly permanent. Technology changes – who knows what might come along to replace websites.
But my website kind of feels permanent to me!

I just spent some time (hours, actually!), adding one of my scientific papers…

“Testing the Effects of a High Fiber Instruction”

Now it is there for the world to see anytime. A static page. Sort of permanent. Just two more papers to go, then on to the mountain of relevant research I need to add.

I must press forward. Hardly a day goes by that I don’t run into someone who needs this information. It’s not always someone with Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis. There are so many others… people with digestive systems, feeling the effects of our industrialized foods.

I used to spend hours on the phone, explaining to one person

…what they needed to understand about fiber and the gut. Now I can offer a web address where they can read the information and go back over it as many times as they need to, to absorb complex concepts.

I’m thankful for the developers of the Internet, the people at WordPress, the people at Bluehost, and Jocelyn, my website mentor – all of whom have made this website possible.


IBD Diet: Hello World Here I Come

This is it… Day 1 is dawning for me.

Sunrise 4

Today, I am finally launching my website… ready or not, I can’t wait any longer! My mind is bursting with ideas for sharing the lessons I’ve learned about eating for a healthy gut.

I have already loaded some pages with basic information about dietary fiber and about me. Come back often, though, because there is MUCH more to come.

I am grateful for the internet and the explosion of social media! I can’t wait to help more people gain better understanding of dietary fiber science. I wake up thinking about microbiome and diet research, I go to bed thinking about it, and I think about it all day in between.

Onwards and upwards!